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E-resources guide

Find suitable e-books and other resources for your needs.




A multidisciplinary collection of e-books.

How to find the e-books?

You can browse and access all electronic collections via A-Z Database List. Search and access of individual e-books via Janet Finna. 

Usage rights and login info

Available on Jamk's network by the students, teachers and other staff of Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Log in  with Jamk username and password (HAKA login).

Number of simultaneous users

Some e-books on the collection are limited to 1-3 users, while others have unlimited access.

Loaning period

There are no loan periods in online reading. If you download an e-book to your computer or mobile device, the loan period varies between 1 to 5 days.


Some of the collections titles can be requested. An email notification is sent to the requester when the book becomes available.The book needs to be opened within four hours after the notification.


The print and copy options are available when reading online within the inbuilt reader. Choose Read Online if you wish to print or copy. Permitted for personal use.

Reading the e-book

No additional software is required to read e-books online. If you choose the Read online option, the book will be opened to VLeBooks reader on your browser. See VLeBooks video about using the VLeBooks reader.

Downloading the e-book

If you wish to download a book to read offline, the reader software Adobe Digital Editions is required to be downloaded as well. The possibility to download varies per title. See the instructions ‘How do I download an eBook’ on the e-book service for more information, or watch VLeBooks video about downloading e-books.

If an e-book is not working

Check that

  • You have logged in with Jamk username and password (HAKA login)
  • You have downloaded the necessary reader software, if you are trying to download an e-book to your computer.
  • You have updated the latest versions of the software.
  • Try another web browser, including on mobile devices. Do not use Internet Explorer!
  • You have not blocked the browser to open pop-up windows.

If the e-book still doesn’t work

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Close the browser and start again from the beginning. Clear the browser history.
  • Open the link on Janet Finna. A link found by Google, for example, usually won't work.
  • Do you have several different programs, tabs and applications open on your computer? Close the unnecessary ones and try again.
  • Check which browsers are supported or recommended by the e-book service. 
  • See the detailed instructions on the e-book platform.
  • Some e-book services offer a separate application as well. You can try that, too.
  • See if other e-books on the same e-book service work. If they do, the problem concerns only this certain book. Contact the library:

Suitability as a course book.

Recommended for course book use.



Other details

Downloaded e-book can be read without a internet connection.

Online Reader enables for example adding bookmarks and notes, and using a dictionary. ReadAloud function allows listening of the book.

Possibility to save lists of books on your own Bookshelf.

Possibility to edit accessibility settings.