Check these links to collect information from international Theses!
An Example search how to find Theses written in English from the Janet Finna database.
An Example search how to find Doctoral Dissertations written in English from the Finna Portal.
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Bachelor's degree:
AMK-opinnäytetyö/Kandidaatintutkielma is the dissertation associated with lower-level academic degrees and at universities of applied science.
Master's degree:
Ylempi AMK-opinnäytetyö/Pro gradu -tutkielma, simply 'gradu', is the dissertation for master's degrees. The master's thesis in engineering and architecture studies is called Diplomityö.
Doctoral Dissertation and Licentiate thesis:
The highest-level theses are called lisensiaatintutkielma and (tohtorin) väitöskirja for licentiate and doctoral degrees.
See more: Thesis from Wikipedia