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ICT guide

This guide helps students and teachers to find information on subject areas in Information and Communication Technology.

TOP journals printed & electronic

The IEEE Xplore 

  • IEEE publishes leading journals, conference proceedings, transactions, letters, and magazines in electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy, and dozens of other technologies. IBM, SMPTE, BIAI, and TUP journal articles are also available in IEEE Xplore.




Journals arranged by subject in Janet Finna, for example

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Open access journals, repositories and portals

Open Access Journals

Get articles from open access journals. In open access journals research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers. 

Open Access Repositories and Portals

Open access repositories are online databases giving access to the full text documents. They are accessed freely and instantly on the Internet. 

Evaluate publication channels

Publication Forum

The Publication Forum is a rating system supporting the quality assessment of scientific publishing activities. The Publication Forum is composed of panels of experts in various disciplines that divide key foreign and domestic scientific publication channels into four levels:

0= channels that do not (yet) meet the level 1 criteria,
1 = basic level
2 = leading level
3 = highest level.

The rating includes journals, book series, conferences and book publishers. Classification criteria are available on the Publications Forum pages. Information from scientific publications can be searched on the JUFO portal.

Get to know Peer Reviewed Journals

What are the peer reviewed journals?