You can find the material of several public libraries, university libraries, and special libraries through a single search on After the first search, you have the option to filter your search results, for example by content type "Book". tuo Suomen museoiden, kirjastojen ja arkistojen aineistot kaikkien saataville. Pääset selaamaan ja lukemaan verkossa saatavilla olevia aineistoja. Voit myös mm. uusia lainoja ja tehdä varauksia eri kirjastojen aineistoihin yhdestä ja samasta paikasta. Löydätä samalla haulla kaikille avoimet aineistot, jotka mukana olevat organisaatiot tarjoavat. -- provides free access to material from Finnish museums, libraries and archives. You can browse and read material available on the web. You can also renew loans and request material from various libraries in one place. is your one stop destination for searching the freely available material provided by the partner organisations.
You can use most of Jamk Library’s e-books via Janet Finna at home or on the road. Log into Janet Finna using your personal Jamk ID.
Ebook Central is an multidisciplinary ebook service. Suitable for all fields of study at JAMK. See more information on Janet.
Jamk's multidisciplinary collection of eBooks. See the whole list of Jamk's titles using Janet Finna database. -- Jamkin monialainen e-kirjakokoelma. Katso nimekkeet Janet Finna -hakupalvelusta.
DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
The Google Books service allows you to search for and use books and journals scanned and described by Google. Google restricts the viewing of the scanned books based on copyright terms.
You are able to refine your results for example by content type, publication year, language or topic in Janet. The screenshot below shows the narrowing options of the keyword search students AND well-being. Total search gave 198 search results, 161 documents available online.