The source is of high quality if its content is appropriate, up-to-date, unbiased and comprehensive enough. Prefer original sources, not the bulletins or summaries of them..
For example, take a look at the University of Tampere Library and LUT Academic Library's guidelines on evaluating information sources.
"The statistic describes the world around us, parses it, and makes phenomena understandable. It can be said to be an indispensable source of information, as it is needed in many contexts." Statistics Finland
Information sources contain information for different needs:
Next step: Evaluate information and think about source criticism!
The Jamk's instructions for the thesis guide you to writing and publishing the thesis. The vast majority of Jamk's theses are published in the Theseus - Open Repository of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.
Common publishing channels include:
Select the publication channel according to your target audience. A scientific article is worth publishing in a scientific journal, an article aimed at professionals in the professional journal. In a periodical or newspaper, the expert is most often the interviewee, not as the author of the case.
Also, the conference can be scientific or professional. Conference publication is a compilation work on seminar presentations, it can contain either whole articles made on the basis of presentations or just abstracts. Sometimes conference articles are published as a special issue of a scientific journal.
The publications channels used by Finnish higher education institutions and research institutions can be browsed in the ( service. In addition to publications, there is extensive information on Finnish research, such as research projects and organizational research infrastructures.
What are the sources you can trust? Where is the expert knowledge and the govenmental information?
Assessment belongs to every stage of the process. This figure reminds of assessment and evaluation in the different situations.
You can also use data (e.g. dataset or datafile) as a source of information, for example research data collected by someone else or open data generated by some public organization. The data must also be cited to so that others can find the material and the data maker gets a merit from the use of their data. Learn how to refer to data, for example, with the guide from Aalto University.